Time & Location
25 Jan 2024, 08:00 GMT – 26 Jan 2024, 15:00 GMT
About the event
Open course brochure to see the programme and Lecturer's CV
This course begins by reviewing those definitions suitable for calculating the stress/strain quantities commonly used to perform the fatigue assessment. Pivotal concepts which should always be kept in mind when designing components against fatigue are summarised (mainly considering uniaxial and torsional situations). The multiaxial fatigue assessment problem is then investigated in great detail, by focusing attention on both the high- and the medium-cycle fatigue regime. The procedures suitable for estimating uniaxial/multiaxial fatigue damage both in notched and in welded components are explained, by focusing attention on the most efficient ways to estimate fatigue strength by post-processing Finite Element results.
Subsequently, following a general introduction to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, this course will go on to explain the importance of crack/flaw analysis in structural design and safety assessment, with this being done by considering both static and fatigue situations. It will give a deep understanding of the major results and criteria underpinning modern fracture mechanics, the assumptions behind them and important limitations. Attendees will gain a better understanding of material selection for fatigue and fracture resistance and learn about codified procedures for flaw evaluation.
Who should attend
The course is intended for Engineers and scientists involved in the design, operation and assessment of both onshore and offshore structures.
Professor Luca Susmel
£695 (including course notes)
Please contact us for the method of payment.
Email: mamc@mamarineconsultants.com
Phone: +44 (0)7780090884